
Thomas Yu Lee

Thomas Lee
李育全 Thomas Lee畢業於加州藝術學院工業系。
以創造力帶入現實為靈感,創製了純粹的形體—— Mr. Zeal,以此為想像力的起點,時刻體醒我們創造力是廣大無邊的。並以80年代流行文化的復古風格,勾勒出霓虹的浪濤,化作MR.ZEAL的奇幻小宇宙。

Thomas Lee graduated from the California College of Arts(CCA) with a Bachelor's in Industrial Design.
Since childhood, his love for animations, figure toys, and gadgets has inspired him with creative thinking. After graduation, he became a successful entrepreneur, founding and investing in a number of design and fashion companies.
Inspired by the concept of bringing creativity to life. Thus, created a pure form—— Mr. Zeal, intends to set a starting point for one's imagination and to remind us that creativity is limitless. In addition, influenced by the 80's pop culture retro style, he outlines neon waves that create the fantasy universe for MR.ZEAL.

- 2012 SECTOR / CEO & Co-Founder
- 2018 OLOI, Inc / CEO & Founder
- 2019 UARTCUBE / Co-Founder
- 2021 D.O.P.E. / Co-Founder
An Amateur Race Car Driver