

從產業高中的設計系畢業後,他加入豐田摩托部門,從事3D建模和3DCG的工作。並在SEGA從事遊戲設計開發。2008年在新公司作為設計師開始個人活動,使用“高品質ART TOY”概念生產了BLACKRABBiT的各種變體,設計出各式各樣不同形態的BLAKRABBIT。他為玩具上色的噴漆塗料技術極為精湛,讓許多設計師爭相與他合作。

Born in March 27. Born in Tokushima Japan and now lives in Kanagawa Japan.

After graduating from the Industrial High School design department, he joined Toyota Motor, engaged in 3D CAD modeling and 3DCG work.
Engaged in game development as a designer of SEGA,

From 2008, started personal activities while working as a designer at a new company, produced various variations of BLACKRABBiT using the “high-quality ARTTOY” concept, which is good at the concept
(BLACKRABBiT original design HOTSNI / arrange nnd paint T.IWA)

From 2014, started participating in events from all over the world, worked on works collaborating with various artists in Japan and abroad
2015 “CUSTOM VINSENT” will be selected as the finalist of the Custom of the Year (Fan) category of the Designer Toy Awards.
2016 Taipei Toy Festival
2017 Design Festa Vol.46 in Tokyo
2017 Taipei Toy Festival